Money Mondays

By Imagine Scholarships

“Imagine where you can go with a scholarship and a dream!”


Happy Monday! It’s me, Sherri, popping in to your inbox with our weekly newsletter for students, parents, and those who support them. This week is filled with our featured scholarships, tips on staying organized, and motivation.

I love the 4th of July. In fact, I’ll share a fun story that happened to me last year on the 4th. 

A little secret about me — I love ice cream. 

On my way to watch our small town community fireworks show, I decided to make a quick trip to Baskin-Robbins. Ice cream just goes hand-in-hand with the 4th of July for me. 

At the window, I ordered my favorite, Mint Chocolate Chip. The teen behind the speaker politely let me know they were out of Mint Chocolate Chip. 

I then ordered, Rocky Road. Nope. 

How about Chocolate Chip? Out.  

What??? How can the company with 31 flavors be out of all of my favorites? 

Next I tried Pistachio. Nope. 

Finally, on my 6th request, I was able to get a scoop of Coconut ice cream. It was delicious!

While Baskin-Robbins is still my favorite, this year I’m planning to make homemade peach ice cream. I’ll let you know how it turns out. I hope you enjoy celebrating living in the greatest country in the world in your favorite way!

For now, let's look at a few things from this week:

Higher Education this week

The Aggies had an interesting turn of events last week when the Texas A&M baseball coach announced he is leaving to go to their rival, The University of Texas. 

Retention rates among first-time students are the highest they have been in the past decade, according to a report released Thursday by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Of first-year students who enrolled in fall 2022, 76.5% returned to college the following year, the clearinghouse said. That’s up from 75.7% among the previous year’s cohort and higher than pre-pandemic rates.

The national retention rate also hit a decade high, rising to 68.2% among the fall 2022 cohort, up 1 percentage point from the year before. The retention rate includes students who return to higher education after their first year, regardless of whether they stay at the same institution or transfer. Retention refers to those who continue at the same college.

The repercussions of the current FAFSA situation is still a tangled mess. Another nail in the coffin for colleges and financial aid. 

College Students 

The new school year will be here before you know it. If you’re headed to college soon, organization is key to your upcoming success. Here are 50 ways to help you stay organized in college.

High School Students

If you’re a rising senior, please note that almost all college applications open a month from today. If you’re already working on your college admissions essay (and I hope you are!) here are some topics to avoid. Imagine Scholarships has incredible resources for students going through the admissions process. Sign up today if you haven’t already. You can’t afford to miss these resources and scholarships, too. 

If you’re in high school but not a rising senior, there are still many things you can do to set yourself up for success. Our video library has hundreds of videos to help you thrive academically, socially and mentally and be ready to make smart choices regarding your future. 

If you’re going to be a high school sophomore or junior it’s important that you choose the right courses to take next year. Make sure you have up to date information with the options available to you, including dual credit courses. 


Parents, summer is the best time to incorporate some college visits into your travel schedule. If you’re able to pull off a few visits, here are some excellent questions to ask while you’re there. 

Scholarship Spotlight

Every week, we highlight one of our favorite scholarships. 


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Combining Lean on Me and Dangerous Minds, Brian Johnson talks about the difference of teaching “for” students rather than “at” students. 

Between 2020 and 2022, The National Center for Educational Statistics reported the largest average decline in reading scores since 1990 and the first ever drop in math. How can we reverse these current trends and improve student outcomes? Johnson, a former teacher turned consultant, has designated three focus areas that can help educators: affirming students, cultivating student-centered culture, and reimagining the physical classroom environment. Watch his Ted Talk here. 

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