Money Mondays

By Imagine Scholarships

“Imagine where you can go with a scholarship and a dream!”

Happy Monday! It’s me, Sherri, popping into your inbox with our weekly newsletter for students, parents, and those who support them. This week is filled with our featured scholarships and more!

For now, let's look at a few things from this week:

Higher Education this week

“Some of the nation’s largest employers, including Walmart and McDonald’s, are now broaching a new frontier in higher education: convincing colleges to give retail and fast-food workers credit for what they learn on the job, counting toward a degree.” (USA Today) 

There are many schools who allow college credit for work experience through portfolio submissions, etc. However, not many of these schools advertise this. Earlier today, I was speaking with a professor who said he has been giving this type of credit to students for over a decade.


Who do you listen to? You have many voices speaking to you from all different directions everyday. Social media, parents, others’ opinions, classmates, professors etc. I know who you listen to the most — do you? It’s you! It’s always been you. 

Confidence is Key!

Knowing this helps us understand the importance of seeing ourselves for who we really are and being kind with the stories and words we tell ourselves. Being confident in who you are is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Here is a video that helps you do that. 

Take some time to evaluate who you are and who you want to be this upcoming school year. Are there new goals you want to accomplish? New friends you want to make? Whatever this school year holds, make sure that the words you tell yourself are true and kind.


If you’re the parent of a college or high school student, there are a few things you can do this school year to help your student be more successful. Here’s a list. 


Are you ready for a new school year? It will be here before you know it. I worked in higher education, and I can remember the excitement each year as the students started arriving back on campus. The new school year is filled with promise, excitement and potential for everyone. Greeting returning students is always fun, but meeting new students for the first time is opportunistic in many ways. 

A quote I like to say is, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Here are some pointers for making these new students feel welcomed and connected. Capturing the hearts of these students is critical to their success and the retention of these students during the upcoming years.

Scholarship Spotlight

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Cheering you on — every step of the way!

Sherri and Team Imagine

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