Money Mondays

By Imagine Scholarships

“Imagine where you can go with a scholarship and a dream!”

Subject: Don’t You Dare Give Up

Happy Monday, Imagine Family! We want to welcome all 15,000+ students, parents and educators to Money Monday this week.

I’ll get straight to it. I’m here to do 2 things for you:

  1. Give you valuable information to help you find money for college and be smart with your money

  2. Give you tips on how to be your best self as a student, parent or educator

Think of me as your own personal cheerleader through the college admissions, scholarship and life success process. Ready ? Let’s Go!

I was in a meeting this week with a Trio director who has a passion for the high school/college students he works with. I gave him a tour around our Imagine Scholarships platform (which is so much more than scholarships!) After the tour, I asked him…what have I not included? What do your students need to know that wasn’t clearly represented in our platform? What he said next was the golden nugget. 

His response was simple yet so profound. He said tell them this…. 


Student Section 

Students, I know it’s the beginning of the school year, and maybe you haven’t had thoughts yet of giving up. Once you receive the first test scores that don’t match the effort you put into studying, you might have a brief moment of thinking … “I should drop this class, I’m not smart enough for this, this is too hard.” Ya know what I’d say to all of this? DON’T YOU DARE GIVE UP!

This week, I’ve been thinking about you and the mental health issues that are challenging many students. Sometimes the load you’re carrying can be too heavy. School, work, athletics, outside activities, family commitments, etc. It is a lot. I get it. I was once a student, too. 

My advice for you this week is to decide in advance what you’d like to accomplish and then be committed to those goals and don't dare give up. Deciding in the moment what you're going to do is a bad idea. 

For example: I’ve decided that eating healthier is important to me. I can do hard things. I made a deal with myself that I’m going to eat healthy until Christmas. I can do anything for a few months. Why do I tell you this? 

If I wait until I’m sitting with friends in an ice cream shop to make the decision of what I’m eating, then I’ll certainly fail. If I’ve prepared to have a healthier (yet still yummy) option with me, I will likely succeed. 

How does this apply to you? Know that things will be hard, setbacks will happen but once you put your mind to doing it, stay committed to your goal and process. This applies academically of course, but also in mental and health wellness, friendships, finances, etc. 

What things do you need to put in place in your life to make sure you succeed and not fail? 

Parent Corner

As parents, we sometimes get to a point of utter exhaustion trying to help our kids (no matter how old) understand the concepts of good study habits, being prepared for success academically, and taking advantage of the opportunities before them. As a mom of 4, I can completely relate. I see you. 

The late nights spent worrying, the difficult conversations, the endless support you give your child even when it feels like you're running on empty. Raising a high school or college student is a journey filled with highs and lows, and I want you to know that your efforts are seen, and they matter more than you might realize.

Your child is navigating one of the most challenging and transformative times of their life. They are growing, learning, and sometimes struggling to find their way. It’s not easy, and it’s certainly not always smooth. But in these moments of uncertainty, your presence and your belief in them are more powerful than any advice or solution.

Remember that brain development continues into the mid-20s. Your child is still growing, still learning how to manage their emotions, make decisions, and understand the world around them. It may seem like they’ve got it all figured out, or it may seem like they’re lost, but either way, they still need you. They need your guidance, your wisdom, and most importantly, your unwavering support.

So, don’t give up. Don’t you dare. Trust that the support, and encouragement you provide are making a difference, even when it’s not immediately visible. Your student needs you, and your continued belief in them will help them believe in themselves.

Educator’s Edge

In the moments when exhaustion weighs heavy on you and the challenges seem insurmountable, remember why you chose this path. Teaching/Mentoring is not just a profession; it's a calling. It’s a commitment to shaping the future, one student at a time. The impact you make goes far beyond the classroom walls. It echoes in the lives you touch, the minds you inspire, and the hearts you reach.

IDEA: Take a moment to reflect on the victories, no matter how small. Yes, today, get out that piece of paper and write down the victories and progress you’ve already seen within the first week or two of this school year. The smile of understanding on a student’s face, the note of gratitude from a parent, the student who comes back years later to say, “You made a difference”— these are the moments that matter. They are proof that your work is not in vain.

Remember that growth often happens in the unseen moments. Trust that your dedication, even when it feels unnoticed, is paving the way for something incredible. You are building bridges of knowledge, character, and hope, helping students create futures with their potential. 

And most importantly, be kind to yourself. You are human, and it's okay to feel tired, to have doubts, to need a break. Take time to recharge, knowing that your well-being is just as important as the work you do. When you take care of yourself, you return stronger, ready to continue the incredible work only you can do. And no matter what, don’t you give up. We are here cheering for you, creating resources to make life easier for you and your students. If you haven’t already, reach out to us. We would love to hear from you and help in any way we can. 

Scholarship of the Week

Looking for more scholarships? If you aren’t already using Imagine Scholarships, signing up is your next step. As the leading platform for scholarships, college, career, and life readiness, we connect you to scholarships you can actually get with expert guidance to make your educational journey simple and easy.

 TAKE ME TO MORE SCHOLARSHIPS to go directly to our website, where you can sign up for access to Imagine Scholarships. 

You're only ONE CLICK away from up to 9 BILLION in educational dollars at Imagine Scholarships!


Imagine Family, I hope you have the best week this week. I encourage you to be curious this week. Read something new and find a new quote from it. Write down the quote and post it on your bathroom mirror. Remind yourself not to give up! Do something kind for someone else and most importantly, be kind to yourself. 

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We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Sherri and Team Imagine

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