Money Mondays

By Imagine Scholarships

Money Monday Newsletter: Finding Money, Saving Money, and Succeeding in College

šŸŒŸ Welcome to this week's Money Monday!

This weekā€™s theme is The Power of Self-Confidence ā€” how building confidence in yourself can positively impact your financial goals and overall health.

Here are some interesting statistics on self-confidence and its impact across various areas of life, including finances and health:

  1. Self-confidence and financial success: A study from the Journal of Economic Psychology found that individuals with higher levels of self-confidence are more likely to engage in proactive financial behaviors, like saving and investing. People who believe in their abilities are 20% more likely to manage their finances effectively.

  2. Confidence and goal achievement: Research from Psychological Science suggests that individuals who set goals and are confident in their ability to achieve them are 30% more likely to meet those goals compared to those with low self-confidence.

  3. Impact on job performance: Self-confident employees are 63% more likely to be promoted and are seen as more competent by their employers, according to a study by CareerBuilder.

  4. Self-confidence and health: A report published by the American Psychological Association shows that individuals with high self-confidence tend to have better mental health, lower levels of stress, and healthier lifestyles. Confident people are 32% more likely to engage in regular exercise and maintain a healthy diet.

  5. Financial decision-making: People with higher self-confidence are more likely to make sound financial decisions, such as budgeting, managing debt, and making investments. A study by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center revealed that financially confident individuals are 25% more likely to engage in long-term financial planning.

These statistics highlight the direct impact of self-confidence on not only financial success but overall well-being.

šŸ’Œ Words of Wisdom:

Whose words do you listen to the most? YOURS 

Ultimately, no one speaks to us more than we speak to ourselves, and the words we choose shape our reality. When weā€™re intentional about speaking words of encouragement, positivity, and strength, we give ourselves the foundation we need to pursue our goals, overcome obstacles, and thrive. By cultivating a positive internal dialogue, we create the mental space for self-confidence to grow and for success to follow.

The question becomes: Are we speaking words to ourselves that build us up or break us down? When we understand the power of our own words, we can harness that power to create a life of confidence, achievement, and well-being.

Self-confidence is the foundation for success, not just in your personal life, but in managing your finances and health. When you believe in yourself, you're more likely to set ambitious goals, stick to them, and see them through. Whether it's tackling debt, sticking to a budget, or investing in your future, confidence makes all the difference. When you trust yourself to make smart choices, you're also more likely to stay committed to your long-term financial and health goals.

šŸ’„ Activity of the Week: Speak Kind Words to Yourself

This weekā€™s challenge is all about building the habit of speaking kind, encouraging words to yourself. Hereā€™s a simple but powerful activity to help you shift your inner dialogue toward positivity and self-compassion.

1. Create a Personal Affirmation:

  • Start by writing down 2ā€“3 positive affirmations. These are statements that reinforce your strengths, abilities, and self-worth. Examples include:

    • "I am capable of achieving my goals."

    • "I deserve success and happiness."

    • "I am growing and improving every day."

  • Keep these affirmations in a place where youā€™ll see them often (on your mirror, in your journal, or as a phone background).

2. Morning Self-Check:

  • Begin each morning this week by saying your affirmations out loud. Speak them with confidence and believe in the words you're saying. This small habit will help set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

3. Catch Negative Self-Talk:

  • Pay attention to any negative thoughts or critical self-talk throughout the day. When you catch yourself thinking something unkindā€”like "Iā€™m not good enough" or "Iā€™ll never get this right"ā€”stop and replace it with a kind, positive statement.

  • Example: Replace "I canā€™t do this" with "I am learning, and I will keep improving."

4. End-of-Day Reflection:

  • At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on how you spoke to yourself. Write down one kind thing you said to yourself that day or something you accomplished that made you feel proud. This reinforces the habit of self-kindness.

5. Watch this video if you need a little inspiration: Jessicaā€™s Daily Affirmations

By the end of the week, youā€™ll begin to notice the difference that kind words make in how you feel about yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. Remember, you are the person who hears your words the mostā€”so make them count!

šŸ“š For College Students: Building Confidence to Achieve Financial Goals

Confidence is key when managing your finances. Start by setting realistic goals and celebrating small winsā€”whether it's sticking to a weekly budget or saving for an emergency fund. The more confident you are in your ability to make good financial decisions, the easier it will be to stay motivated and committed to long-term goals.

šŸŽ“ For High School Students: How Self-Confidence Boosts Success in All Areas

A strong sense of self-confidence helps you make smart choices now that will benefit your future. Whether you're applying for scholarships, saving money, or planning for college, believing in yourself can be your greatest asset. Donā€™t be afraid to set big goalsā€”you have what it takes to achieve them!

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ For Parents: Encouraging Confidence in Your Child

Help your child build confidence by supporting their financial decisions and teaching them good habits. The more they trust their judgment, the more successful theyā€™ll be at reaching their goals. Encourage them to create a simple budget or save for something meaningfulā€”itā€™s a small step towards building lifelong confidence.

šŸ‘©ā€šŸ« For Educators: How to Foster Confidence in Financial Literacy

In the classroom, fostering confidence in students can help them tackle financial challenges with resilience. Provide opportunities for them to set financial goals and track their progress. The more they practice, the more confident they'll become in making financial decisions that benefit their future.

šŸ§  Quote of the Week:

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there." ā€” Theodore Roosevelt

This quote reminds us that self-confidence is the first step toward achieving any goal. When we believe in ourselves, weā€™re already on the path to success.

šŸŒ Resource of the Week: Imagine Scholarships

Here is a downloadable sheet for your savings target. This week, choose one thing youā€™d like to save for. Use this download to start saving for one specific thing. Watch your savings plan be put into action. 

šŸ’” Fun Fact of the Week:

Did you know that self-confident people are more likely to achieve their financial goals? Studies show that people who believe in their abilities are more proactive in managing their finances and investing in their future.

šŸ’„ Challenge of the Week: Build Your Confidence with a Financial Goal

Your challenge this week: Set one financial goal and stick to it. Whether it's saving a specific amount or creating a new budget, trust yourself to follow through. Building confidence in your financial habits starts with small steps!

šŸ˜ƒ Scholarship of the Week:

This week we have:

If youā€™re using the scholarship tracker in Imagine Scholarships then be sure to put this upcoming scholarship on your sheet. It doesnā€™t open till February but you donā€™t want to miss this one. 

Looking for more scholarships? If you arenā€™t already using Imagine Scholarships, signing up is your next step. As the leading platform for scholarships, college, career, and life readiness, we connect you to scholarships you can actually get with expert guidance to make your educational journey simple and easy.

 TAKE ME TO MORE SCHOLARSHIPS to go directly to our website, where you can sign up for access to Imagine Scholarships. You're only ONE CLICK away from up to 9 BILLION in educational dollars at Imagine Scholarships!

Have a wonderful week, Imagine family. Set aside time to search and apply for scholarships ā€” the money is out there just waiting for you. Did you know our most successful students apply to 3-5 scholarships each week? Donā€™t forget to do something kind for someone else this week and, most importantly, be kind to yourself. Remember that confidence is keyā€”not only in your financial goals but in your overall well-being. Take time this week to believe in yourself, trust your decisions, and be kind to yourself as you work toward success.

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We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Sherri and Team Imagine

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